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Roon and HQPlayer upsampling order with FIR xover wav files in pipeline matrix

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I’m setting up HQP desktop to run eight channels of 96khz FIR xovers using the matrix pipeline.   I upsample to 192 using HQP and I use Roon as my music source.   When I play a 96 or 192 track all is fine.  But when I play a 44khz track I get odd echos especially in the high end.  I turned on Roon upscaling to 96 and it appears to resolve it.    But I really only want to use HQP for all upscaling.    Do my xover FIR wav files need to be 192khz or is there a way to get HQP to pre upscale to 96 then run the pipeline and then upscale to 192?



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