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newly added booklet pdfs are not displayed in the corresponding album (after upgrade from iTunes to Music.app)

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for years I have been managing my music library with iTunes. A very nice thing was when some day I found that I could even easily manage booklets (as pdf files) within iTunes: Just throw them into the "automatically add to itunes" folder, edit album- and album-artist-name and then the file gets automatically moved into the album folder and the booklet appears in that particular album just below the last track in the main window.


This week  switched to a new Mac with Music.app instead of iTunes. The import of the library went very smooth and reliable, existing booklet files were displayed within the corresponding albums just like before.


But now when I add a new album and add the booklet pdf just like before (including editing meta data), the pdf file still gets moved into the album folder, but within the Music.app window, the booklet file does not move into the album to get enlisted below the album tracks, it just remains on the highest level as if it was an album itself (see attached screeshot).


Of course I checked the correctness of tagging already. Could it be there is something in the settings that I need to change? Any idea how this behaviour could be fixed?


Best regards

Bildschirmfoto 2023-09-19 um 17.00.42.png

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  • 8 months later...

Hi everyone,


just to give an update (for someone who might have the same issue). I found a workaround that keeps booklets being displayed permanently within the corresponding album - it goes like this:


To describe the problem once again first: After editing album-, album-artist-, and file-name of the booklet, the pdf moves into the album just as before (both physically as file into the folder on HDD and visually within Apple Music window on screen). But after quitting and restarting Apple Music, the file will still be located in the album folder but in Music window it is no more within the album anymore but simply somewhere in between all other albums, sorted correctly by name, but not within the album!


If - after editing the booklet file – I mark all tracks of the album including its newly added booklet file and after that check "compilation", enter, mark everything again and uncheck "compilation", the booklet gets and stays displayed within the album!


No idea why this is so and what has changed, because in iTunes, this wasn't necessary at all.


Best regards



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