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iTunes store is screwed up

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I purchased part of an album from the iTunes store in 2007.  I wanted to complete the album today and the music app did not respond.  When I went to the iTunes store, it showed that I had not purchased any of  the songs.  I looked in my account to check on the date for information about my purchase and the dates only went back to 2020?  I called Apple support and they could not offer any assistance.  I believe my library is as complete as I need it to be, so I am giving up on any more purchases from Apple.  Just my 2 cents.

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My purchased list goes all the way back to the very first albums I bought in 2001.


On the left, is Recent Purchases selected? You should be able to find the album by artist in the list below, or by using the search field.


This said, if the original album has been replaced by a later version, then you won't be able to complete it. This doesn't happen a lot, but there are several albums that I bought that are either no longer sold on the iTunes Store, or have been replaced by newer versions. These could be remasters, or expanded albums, where the label removes the original to not have duplicates. 

I write about Macs, music, and more at Kirkville.

Author of Take Control of macOS Media Apps

Co-host of The Next Track podcast.

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