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Article: Review - Wilson Audio Alida CSC and Mezzo CSC Upgrades

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I feel like I'm a horrible person for thinking about this. In @The Computer Audiophile's system, there is no intention to watch any movies so technically, it is not necessary to use a Mezzo CSC as the centre speaker... In a cost no object scenario, getting a matching Alexia V as the centre speaker would open up sonic possibilities that most home theatre enthusiasts can't imagine. Of course, I presume Alexia V costs a lot more than Mezzo CSC. But I have to wonder if Wilson would be willing to manufacture a matching speaker to go with your other two and replace the Mezzo CSC.


My personal problem is that once someone says something about my audio system, if it's a sound advice, it's like they have inceptioned me and I can't get the concept out of my head. So I feel bad about saying this but I thought it is a sufficiently worthwhile comment to make that I had to speak my mind.


Whatever happens, I'm super happy that you have such a fantastic system to listen to.

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8 minutes ago, ecwl said:

I feel like I'm a horrible person for thinking about this. In @The Computer Audiophile's system, there is no intention to watch any movies so technically, it is not necessary to use a Mezzo CSC as the centre speaker... In a cost no object scenario, getting a matching Alexia V as the centre speaker would open up sonic possibilities that most home theatre enthusiasts can't imagine. Of course, I presume Alexia V costs a lot more than Mezzo CSC. But I have to wonder if Wilson would be willing to manufacture a matching speaker to go with your other two and replace the Mezzo CSC.


My personal problem is that once someone says something about my audio system, if it's a sound advice, it's like they have inceptioned me and I can't get the concept out of my head. So I feel bad about saying this but I thought it is a sufficiently worthwhile comment to make that I had to speak my mind.


Whatever happens, I'm super happy that you have such a fantastic system to listen to.

No worries @ecwl


The Mezzo CSC is like a Sasha V laying on its side, so I’m very satisfied with it :~)

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