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Article: Sharing the Love of Music and Good Sound Quality

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True dat. Had a couple that we knew over and they asked about being an audiophile. I said just listen. They were both Jazz fans and asked if I had Midnight Blue as they had just listened to that. I said of course and played the 24/192 2012 remaster. Almost played the entire album until it was time to leave for dinner. Couldn’t believe it. 

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7 hours ago, sdolezalek said:

Something about that sentence really caught my attention.   Broken into parts: "everyone likes music," "everyone is interested in taking a little break," and everyone [wants to] "experience something they didn't know existed," are difficult to argue with.  But the part that bothered me was thinking: Just how often do we actually take that little break for music?

Given the current pace of life, the distractions, the competition for too little time, the overload of things in front of us we might enjoy if we did take the time, makes me feel as though you are describing a deep seated need we all have, but spend far far too little time addressing: the need to calmly sit back long enough to actually listen to a whole piece of music, otherwise surrounded by silence, to really let it sink in and touch us.

At one level, I might think that your system is so astounding (and it surely is) that even the busiest and most distracted of us would snap to attention, drop what we're doing and sit doen next to you for that long listen and all that came with it.

A while back, someone else asked whether the unlimited availability of tracks to stream now available to almost everyone actually made music less enjoyable than it was in the days when you brought home a new record album and spent the next week listening to almost nothing else, playing that album from start to finish.

Both your comment and that earlier one forced me to ask myself, given how good my own system is, why aren't I taking more time to stop my own busy day, to have that long satisfying listening session,let all else fade away, and be a better person for having done so?  Isn't that what music is all about? When did it stop having that power over us? Are we spending far too much time chasing other glittering objects, when real happiness might be 30 uninterrupted minutes in our favorite listening chair...?


I’m with you 100% @sdolezalek

I’ve previously been caught up in the pace of life you mention, but lately have don’t my best to change that. Saying “no” to things is both empowering and frees up time for that which fills our souls with what we need. Nobody wishes they would’ve worked more or spent more time increasing the pace of life, when they are on their deathbed 🙂



Perhaps you’re referencing my previous article here 🙂


Founder of Audiophile Style | My Audio Systems AudiophileStyleStickerWhite2.0.png AudiophileStyleStickerWhite7.1.4.png

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9 hours ago, Audiophile Neuroscience said:

Oh if you're espresso making setup costs more than mine, it is expensive. (the one with a pull down lever that if the group head spits out under pressure the lever arm flies up uncontrolled and could kill you if it strikes you in the head!. Now that IS crazy !

I hope this is not too personal, but have you thought about whether you crave danger?


I mean, your avatar is a female in a praying mantis pose leaning against the bait.  Perhaps sharing good music can be dangerous too.?!

Grimm Audio MU2 > Mola Mola Makua > Mola Mola Kaluga > B&W 803 D3    

Cables: Kubala-Sosna    Power management: Shunyata    Room: Vicoustics    Ethernet: Network Acoustics Muon Pro


“Nature is pleased with simplicity.”  Isaac Newton

"As neither the enjoyment nor the capacity of producing musical notes are faculties of the least use to man...they must be ranked among the most mysterious with which he is endowed."  Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man

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8 hours ago, PYP said:

I hope this is not too personal, but have you thought about whether you crave danger?


I mean, your avatar is a female in a praying mantis pose leaning against the bait.  Perhaps sharing good music can be dangerous too.?!


Well, maybe so if judging by my espresso machine ! Then again I recently replaced it with a Flow control valve machine (replacing the need for a lever arm that one could mechanically slow the rise-time to affect brew time) and shot timer - all totally safe!


Not sure where the avatar idea came from. I think the shape of the Vivids are quite aesthetically pleasing (many don't) with its beautiful contours.  I find the human form perhaps the pinnacle of beauty - maybe a bit biased as to gender, ahem! - a nod to Emerson although quick to point out that he found the beauty of the female was not limited to the physical form, as appealing as it is to artists. In a different life I ran an art nude photography group.


The "Beauty in so many forms" (humans, speakers, music) tag is perhaps an homage to one of my heroes, Richard Feynman. I think it was maybe in the 1981 BBC interview  about "The pleasure of finding out things", where he explained beauty at different levels. He mentioned he had an artist friend who 'criticized' him for not being able to 'see' the beauty of a flower for what it was, distracted by the scientific technical analysis of a flower. Feynman was puzzled by this as he pointed out that the sensuous beauty of the colors, shape, texture, fragrance etc were not at all lost on him and understanding the inner beauty of how the flower worked only enhanced his overall appreciation of its beauty.

Sound Minds Mind Sound



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"Sharing my love of music and good sound goes to another level when my 12 year old daughter and her friends come up to my listening room. It's Atmos music all day long, by request. That's a story for another time." 


That one peaks my interest.

"The gullibility of audiophiles is what astonishes me the most, even after all these years. How is it possible, how did it ever happen, that they trust fairy-tale purveyors and mystic gurus more than reliable sources of scientific information?"

Peter Aczel - The Audio Critic

nomqa.webp.aa713f2bb9e304522011cdb2d2ca907d.webp  R.I.P. MQA 2014-2023: Hyped product thanks to uneducated, uncritical advocates & captured press.


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entering your cool listening room must be like entering a spaceship.  that you can get them off their phones is amazing.  😉  Looking forward to the article...

Grimm Audio MU2 > Mola Mola Makua > Mola Mola Kaluga > B&W 803 D3    

Cables: Kubala-Sosna    Power management: Shunyata    Room: Vicoustics    Ethernet: Network Acoustics Muon Pro


“Nature is pleased with simplicity.”  Isaac Newton

"As neither the enjoyment nor the capacity of producing musical notes are faculties of the least use to man...they must be ranked among the most mysterious with which he is endowed."  Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man

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