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  1. Oh wow what a pretencious non-answer. Are you here to help? The answer is no lol. Having never of used any audio equipment in my life, yes I don't know much about in and out cables for audio equipment despite building PCs for clients and Teaching TESL. Just because someone doesn't know a certain area of knowledge doesn't make them stupid. Anyway, I'll give you the answer I suppose. The FiiO K11 has an input option for PO and LO. I didn't know what these meant but now I do. It had nothing to do with the cables themselves but the digital setting allowing LO to gain access to the speakers. If you've made 453 posts and they're all like this no wonder this site has so little traffic.
  2. I'm trying to get my DAC FiiO K11 to work with my Vintage JVC rx-509v and it's not working. The speakers AKAI SW-135 work fine when I plug the cables (red and white) into another vintage Disk Player to get radio. I have tried all the plugs and nothing is working. Can someone help me?
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