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AVAA C20 and AVAA C214 Active Bass Traps

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I re-read what I said in that topic. One thing I didn’t mention is that even though I think of these as humongous bass traps, unlike true huge passive bass traps, they don’t actually absorb anything above 150Hz so if your room is very resonant, you could end up with a situation where the PSI AVAA absorbs a lot of bass but now the midrange and treble are too resonant compared to the bass. 

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Thanks for your replies.


Do you have the analogue version (C20) or didgital (C214)? If you have the C20 do leave it on 24/7 or do your switch it off. I know the C214 has an app and can be turned off and on easily. 

I’d rather have the C20 (analogue) but have a bad back so bending over to hit a switch isn’t on my to do list…



Magico M3s speakers; TechDAS Air Force One TT; Vitus Masterpiece Components (pre, phono pre, DAC, Transport); Taiko Audio Extreme



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23 minutes ago, J. Vitus said:

Do you have the analogue version (C20) or didgital (C214)? If you have the C20 do leave it on 24/7 or do your switch it off. I know the C214 has an app and can be turned off and on easily. 

I leave my C214 on 24/7


i also have passive bass traps in my living room. I don’t take them in and out of their spots. So why would I turn off the C214?

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Many thanks. I was just concerned about burning out the electronics of the unit too early. 



Magico M3s speakers; TechDAS Air Force One TT; Vitus Masterpiece Components (pre, phono pre, DAC, Transport); Taiko Audio Extreme



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