Tips For Making Your Long-Distance Relationship Successful

Long-distance relationships (LDRs) can be equally as fulfilling as close proximity relationships. Dr Ana Yudin indicates that LDRs can be just as successful and sometimes even stronger than geographically stronger relationships. 

“It is not the geographical closeness that matters for determining whether a couple is going to last or how satisfied they are with each other but rather these subjective experiences and attitudes of the partners involved.”

However, this type of relationship demands a unique set of skills to navigate the challenges posed by geographical separation.

It is important to keep the relationship alive so as not to allow the distance to kill the relationship.

Decorative cord with hearts on world map symbolizing connection in long-distance relationship, top view
Keeping romance alive in long-distance relationships is crucial to maintaining emotional intimacy and connection when physical intimacy isn’t possible.

In this article, we will delve into specific strategies designed to address the complexities of LDRs, offering actionable tips for effective communication, sustaining intimacy, building unwavering trust, making reunions memorable, setting shared goals, and transforming challenges into opportunities for growth.

We will discuss why each area is important, the potential issues it can cause for LDR, and use example case studies to illustrate how someone can implement advice.

Overcome communication barriers

Physical separation can create barriers to real-time interaction, potentially leading to misunderstandings and emotional disconnect. Therefore, effective communication is essential in LDRs, as these intentional efforts are vital to bridge the gap left by the lack of face-to-face interaction.

Long-distance relationships heavily rely on digital communication, and while technology has provided us with incredible tools to stay connected, it also introduces its challenges.

Overcoming communication barriers is essential to maintaining a healthy, vibrant, thriving relationship.

Common problems that can arise with long-distance communication are:

  • Only having text-based communication 
  • Lack of clear expectations around frequency and style of communication
  • Time zone challenges and poor coordination 
  • Focusing solely on the frequency of communication and not the quality 
  • Relying heavily on only technology-centred methods

Case study

Sarah and Alex faced challenges due to time zone differences. To overcome this, they implemented a "communication bridge" - a dedicated period each day where they would overlap in waking hours. 

They also incorporated handwritten letters, sending surprise notes and small gifts to maintain a sense of intimacy beyond digital communication. 

By combining various communication methods and being proactive in addressing barriers, they not only navigated the challenges but strengthened their connection.

Here are some actionable tips to improve your long-distance communication barriers:

  • Schedule regular video dates to maintain visual connection
  • Share daily moments through messages or calls
  • Address conflicts constructively by actively listening and expressing feelings
  • Use mixed methods of communication e.g., letters and texts
  • Establish expectations and needs from the beginning

“The only reason it worked was because I was regularly able to travel to visit, daily phone calls (not texting), regular video calls, and we knew it was only going to be two years tops. It is absolutely doable, but you have to be ready to put in a lot of extra effort to make it work.”


Keep intimacy alive

Maintaining intimacy in a long-distance relationship is often considered one of the most challenging aspects. Intimacy fosters deep emotional bonds, strengthens trust, and counteracts the impact of distance by providing a sense of closeness (Arditti & Kauffman, 2004).

Therefore, it plays a crucial role in sustaining passion, promoting understanding, and offering emotional support during challenging times.

The physical separation can create a sense of emotional distance, but with intentional efforts and creative strategies, couples can nurture and even enhance their emotional connection

Common problems that can arise with long-distance intimacy are:

  • Monotony in daily communication can lead to boredom
  • Lack of non-verbal cues leading to misunderstandings
  • Difficulty in maintaining a passionate connection without physical proximity
  • Elevated trust concerns due to lack of physical presence
  • Insecurities arising from limited knowledge about the partner’s daily life
  • Interference from external factors, such as work stress or family opinions

Case study

Maria and Carlos live separate due to heavy work schedules and struggled with keeping the spark alive. They found innovative ways to keep intimacy in their relationship, like sending surprise voice messages and sharing intimate thoughts and expressions of love. 

For virtual dates, they experimented with cooking the same recipe together while on a video call. By prioritizing emotional connection, planning virtual dates, and embracing digital avenues for intimacy, they maintained their closeness and deepened their emotional bond.

Here are some actionable tips to improve your long-distance intimacy barriers:

  • Send flirty texts and photos
  • Schedule regular video dates for movie nights or dinner together
  • Display virtual affection
  • Play online games to add an element of fun and competition
  • Create digital playlists or shared online photo albums
  • Establish shared routines, such as a morning or bedtime call
  • Send photos or videos of your surroundings and daily activities

You can also explore each other’s love languages so you can show affection for your partner in a way they best receive and understand. Consider for instance whether they prefer you to show love through words of affirmation and how you can incorporate this into your interactions.

Build unwavering trust

In long-distance relationships, trust becomes the bedrock upon which the connection thrives. 

The physical separation inherent in such relationships can amplify insecurities, making trust the foundation that anchors the connection. Trust acts as a stabilizing force, reducing uncertainties and fostering emotional security (Sawai, Sawai, Masdin & Aziz, 2023). 

Therefore, unwavering trust is essential for navigating challenges, preventing unnecessary conflicts, and building a resilient foundation that can withstand the unique pressures of long-distance relationships.

a man and woman sat in different room against the same wall texting each other on their phones.

It is important to note that in efforts to develop trust in a relationship, you might end up doing the opposite when being too distrustful.

For example, check-ins are important but should stay within reasonable limits. If your partner has told you they will be busy on a particular day, do not spam their phone with calls and texts wanting to know every detail and then get upset they they do not reply. 

Balance is key so you should aim for a healthy amount of sharing, in whatever way reflects you both and your needs best. 

Common problems that can arise with long-distance trust building are:

  • Overly demanding to know their every move and interaction
  • Difficulty in conveying emotions effectively through digital means
  • Doubts arising from a lack of physical presence and firsthand observations
  • Lack of agreement on mutually established boundaries
  • Doubts about the partner’s consistency in communication
  • Insecurities arising from uncertainties about the partner’s feelings
  • Anxiety about potential betrayal due to physical separation
  • Verbal reassurances without corresponding actions

Case study

Ryan and Ben faced trust challenges due to a big gap in time zones that left them disconnected from each other’s lives, slowly building a sense of distrust. To overcome this, they established a shared digital calendar to keep each other informed about their daily routines. 

Both made a conscious effort to communicate openly about their feelings and concerns, addressing potential misunderstandings promptly. Additionally, they reassured each other through consistent actions, like surprise virtual dates, and thoughtful gestures. 

By prioritizing open communication, transparency, and consistent behavior, they built a strong foundation of trust.

Here are some actionable tips to improve your long-distance trust-building barriers:

  • Check-in emotionally frequently 
  • Encourage independent pursuits
  • Address issues promptly and directly
  • Share details about your social interactions to maintain transparency
  • Discuss any changes in plans or unexpected events promptly
  • Express fears, insecurities, and personal challenges
  • Be mindful of each other’s comfort levels regarding social interactions
  • Revisit and adjust boundaries as the relationship evolves
  • Address and rectify any inconsistencies promptly
  • Respect their space and do not spam them when they say they are busy

“My boyfriend and I have a rule where if something is going on, we won’t text about it, instead, we call right away or wait to call and text about something else. If something doesn’t feel right, say something!”


Make reunions memorable

Reunions in long-distance relationships are the much-anticipated chapters where the physical separation transforms into a shared reality. These moments serve as the highlights in the narrative of separation and togetherness. They also act as opportunities to solidify the emotional connection and create lasting memories. 

Therefore, making reunions memorable is essential for creating shared experiences that sustain the emotional connection and contribute to the overall resilience of the long-distance relationship.

Common problems that can arise with long-distance reunions:

  • Misalignment of expectations between partners
  • Disappointment due to expecting too much from the reunion
  • Feeling rushed during reunions due to time constraints
  • Falling into a routine and repeating activities from previous reunions
  • Not considering each other’s preferences in planning activities
  • Forgetting to commemorate significant dates or achievements
  • Neglecting to discuss and plan for future reunions before parting ways
  • Feeling pressured or stressed, can impact ability to focus on the reunion

Case study

Emma and Ling, separated by living in different cities, made their reunions memorable by adding personal touches. Ling surprised Emma with a carefully planned day exploring places significant to their relationship. 

They took photos at each location, created a visual timeline of their journey, and recorded video messages expressing their feelings and shared reflections. 

They also personalized their time by incorporating little surprises and dedicating moments to celebrate relationship milestones. By prioritizing quality time, personalizing their experiences, and creating anticipation for future reunions, they created cherished memories that fueled their connection until the next time.

Here are some actionable tips to improve your long-distance reunion barriers:

  • Plan special activities together that reflect shared interests
  • Designate quality time
  • Explore new places or revisit significant locations
  • Incorporate surprises to add an element of excitement
  • Take photos and videos
  • Exchange personalized gifts that hold sentimental value
  • Create a reunion playlist with songs that are special to your relationship
  • Plan dedicated one-on-one time for deeper connections
  • Create traditions that mark the passage of time together
  • Discuss and plan for the next reunion before parting ways

Set a shared end goal

Long-distance relationships are often sustained by the prospect of a shared future, a time when the physical separation transforms into shared proximity. Setting a shared end goal is a crucial aspect of maintaining a sense of purpose and direction in the relationship in addition to maintaining satisfaction (Impett et al., 2010).

In the absence of physical proximity, having a common objective helps both partners feel united and committed to a common purpose.

Therefore, setting a shared end goal provides a roadmap for the relationship, fostering unity, commitment, and a mutual investment in a shared future despite the physical distance.

Common problems that can arise with long-distance shared goal-setting are:

  • Lack of clarity on what each partner envisions as the shared end goal
  • Ambiguity regarding whether the end goal involves relocation, marriage, or other milestones
  • Differences in perspectives regarding the appropriate timeline for major life changes
  • Lack of preparation for challenges that may arise during the journey
  • Rigid adherence to initial plans without room for adjustments
  • Failure to communicate about the emotional impact of challenges on the relationship
  • Overlooking the importance of smaller achievements in maintaining motivation

Case study

Ahmad and Maya set a shared end goal of living together. They established clear communication from the beginning, discussing their aspirations and expectations. 

They faced challenges like job changes and visa complications, but they discussed potential obstacles, adjusted plans, and shared responsibilities to overcome them. 

Celebrating smaller milestones, like visits and achievements in their careers, became essential in maintaining motivation. By regularly revisiting and revising their plans, they transformed their shared aspirations into a tangible reality, solidifying their commitment to a life together.

Here are some actionable tips to improve your long-distance shared goal-setting barriers:

  • Discuss the ideal future living situation 
  • Share timelines and milestones for achieving shared goals
  • Discuss personal and professional aspirations openly
  • Regularly revisit and adjust the timeline as needed
  • Make gradual steps towards cohabitation
  • Discuss potential obstacles that may arise
  • Acknowledge and appreciate each other’s contributions
  • Regularly check in on progress and adjust responsibilities as needed
  • Plan special moments or rewards for achievements along the way

Transform challenges into growth

Transforming challenges into growth is crucial in long-distance relationships as it cultivates resilience, strengthens the relationship, and contributes to individual and collective well-being.

Facing challenges with a growth mindset allows couples to view difficulties as opportunities for learning and improvement rather than insurmountable obstacles.

Therefore, this process is vital for long-distance relationships to thrive, fostering both personal and relational flourishing despite the physical separation.

Common problems that can arise when trying to turn challenges into growth in long-distance  relationships are:

  • Difficulty in initiating conversations about potential difficulties
  • Tackling challenges individually without involving the partner
  • Repeating the same patterns without learning from past challenges
  • Resisting or fearing change and adaptation to evolving circumstances
  • Ignoring the need for emotional support during difficult times
  • Communication gaps can lead to misunderstandings and misinterpretations

Case study

Jo and Alex faced a significant challenge when Jo’s job required him to relocate temporarily. Instead of viewing this as an obstacle, they embraced a growth mindset. 

They openly communicated about the difficulties they anticipated and collaborated on strategies to maintain their connection. Both saw this period as an opportunity for personal growth, with Alex pursuing new hobbies and Jo focusing on professional development. 

Their willingness to seek professional support when needed also provided them with valuable tools for navigating the challenges. By doing so, they emerged with a stronger relationship and a deeper understanding of each other's strengths.

Here are some actionable tips to improve your long-distance transformation of challenges into growth:

  • Turn jealous moments into trust-building lessons 
  • Use visits to renew commitment 
  • Brainstorm solutions together
  • Establish a safe space for vulnerability and honesty
  • Use logistics planning as bonding time
  • Consider couples counseling or individual therapy
  • Seek opportunities for skill development and learning
  • Reflect on the progress made, both individually and as a couple
  • See challenges as temporary roadblocks on the journey to a stronger relationship

Rituals for Long-Distance Relationships

When couples are physically separated due to travel, work, or other circumstances, rituals take on even more importance to maintain connection. Esther Perel provides examples of meaningful long distance rituals include:

  • Leaving something with your partner when you depart (a small gift, item of clothing, note, etc.) so they feel your presence even when you’re not there. This creates a symbolic reminder that you will come back to them.
  • Maintaining a private, intimate email that is just for the two of you rather than practical logistics. This separate channel allows more vulnerability, expression of affection, sharing memories or desires, that nourishes the romantic bond. 
  • Setting aside intentional video call times for a “show and tell” of old photos. Taking a trip down memory lane together strengthens the sense of a shared story spanning time and distance. Laughing, reminiscing and envisioning the future provides continuity.
  • Other rituals that induce a feeling of closeness work too – watching the same movie while video calling, playing online games, reading the same book and then discussing it. 

The central idea is to adapt rituals to the constraints of physical separation by focusing on emotional and psychological bonds.

Keeping your intimate life vibrant through these intentional practices ensures the foundation remains solid despite external challenges. Absence makes the heart grow fonder when separation rituals keep fondness alive.

Final thoughts

To conclude, in the realm of relationships, distance can be both a challenge and an opportunity. Long-distance relationships (LDRs) demand a unique set of skills, and in this exploration, we’ve delved into strategies tailored for effective communication, sustained intimacy, unwavering trust, memorable reunions, shared goals, and transforming challenges into growth.

Relationship expert Matthew Hussey highlights the importance of having a team mindset and an “us against and world” mentality. Therefore, in the world of long-distance love, these strategies offer threads of connection, resilience, and growth.

By embracing these insights, couples can cultivate a relationship that not only withstands the trials of distance but also thrives, turning each challenge into an opportunity to strengthen their bond.


Arditti, J. A., & Kauffman, M. (2004). Staying close when apart: Intimacy and meaning in long-distance dating relationships. Journal of Couple & Relationship Therapy, 3(1), 27-51.

Impett, E. A., Gordon, A. M., Kogan, A., Oveis, C., Gable, S. L., & Keltner, D. (2010). Moving toward more perfect unions: daily and long-term consequences of approach and avoidance goals in romantic relationships. Journal of personality and social psychology, 99(6), 948.

Matthew Hussey. (2015, August 1). 3 Secrets to Make Your Long Distance Relationship Last [Video]. YouTube.

Psychology With Dr. Ana. (2023, May 15). How to make long-distance relationships work [Video]. YouTube.

Sawai, J. P., Sawai, R. P., Masdin, M., & Aziz, A. R. A. (2023). Sustaining long-distance relationship through love, trust, and dedication among married couples. MANU Jurnal Pusat Penataran Ilmu dan Bahasa, 34(1), 63-80.

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Olivia Guy-Evans, MSc

BSc (Hons) Psychology, MSc Psychology of Education

Associate Editor for Simply Psychology

Olivia Guy-Evans is a writer and associate editor for Simply Psychology. She has previously worked in healthcare and educational sectors.

Saul Mcleod, PhD

BSc (Hons) Psychology, MRes, PhD, University of Manchester

Educator, Researcher

Saul Mcleod, Ph.D., is a qualified psychology teacher with over 18 years experience of working in further and higher education. He has been published in peer-reviewed journals, including the Journal of Clinical Psychology.

Ioanna Stavraki

Community Wellbeing Professional, Educator

BSc (Hons) Psychology, MSc, Neuropsychology, MBPsS

Ioanna Stavraki is a healthcare professional leading NHS Berkshire's Wellbeing Network Team and serving as a Teaching Assistant at The University of Malawi for the "Organisation Psychology" MSc course. With previous experience at Frontiers' "Computational Neuroscience" journal and startup "Advances in Clinical Medical Research," she contributes significantly to neuroscience and psychology research. Early career experience with Alzheimer's patients and published works, including an upcoming IET book chapter, underscore her dedication to advancing healthcare and neuroscience understanding.

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